lundi 5 décembre 2011

A busy week last week

Paris Fit had a busy week last week, what with running and dining together. Getting massages from Pia at Star Keys Massage (more to come on that later), a Friday night group yoga class with Yoga Bija Paris onto a Saturday morning group run followed by a nutrition briefing from Nutrition in Paris. I must admit I felt a bit pampered last week. Guess what? We might get pampered again. Stay tuned for another demonstration from Pia and yes, we'll schedule another yoga class THIS Friday.

lundi 28 novembre 2011

I hate to eat and run but love to run and eat!

We're trying something new for our Tuesday night group runs which will turn into hills then intervals...oh la la, tired already just thinking about it! We'll meet at a member's apartment, leave all our belongings (including a little something you bring for dinner afterwards), go run then come back, make and eat a quick, simple meal together. For those of you who don't know Dia, well, he's a boy with toys - please note our insurance does NOT cover any mishaps on his balance board or bouncy ball........

dimanche 27 novembre 2011

Let's start running

The Paris Half and Full Marathons are creeping up on us. We'll be experiencing the adrenaline of race day and hear the signal to start before we know it. Training for a half or full marathon in it's own is difficult but training in the dreary sunless winter months is downright discouraging. How do you get out of bed to go spend hours in the cold? Best advice? Join a group. That's what we are here for. Not only do we have Saturday morning group runs, we've got group runs set up for Monday and group interval training for Tuesday evenings. (Still working on the Thursday tempo group). Come out for one of our runs and see if we're a fit - worst case scenario you went for a run!